For the first time in almost a century, the boats for the America’s Cup sailing race will be in NYC this week-end. To celebrate this event, the America’s Cup Youth Education is teaching young new-yorkers how to sail. Adele Humbert has the story from the Hudson River.
HUMBERT 1. It’s pouring in lower Manhattan so much that you can barely see New Jersey where all the professional boats are anchored. In a small tent, Jasmine is getting ready. Her blue braces match with her wetsuit:
HUMBERT Are you ready?
HUMBERT 2. Jasmine is one of the ten students from Harbor high school, a school on governor’s island, where students learn marine science and technology. Today they are on a very special field trip. She is helping her friend Ashlyn to put her wetsuit on.
ASHLEEN: I just really love sailing and on accident I put my foot in the arm so…
JASMINE: Ashleen you got a big head !!! LAUGH
HUMBERT. Inside the tent, Katrina Williams is briefing the teenagers:
WILLIAMS: We’re gonna go sailing!
HUMBERT. She works with the America’s Cup Endeavour program. She is one of the organizers of the Youth Day.
WILLIAMS 1. We’re gonna go sailing. Sailing isn’t the cheapest sport you know you don’t just need sneakers and a t.shirt and a ball you know you need a gear so it can get pretty expensive.
HUMBERT. FADE IN AMBI BRIEF Outside, the hobie cat catamarans are covered with NY taxi colors: yellow sails and black and yellow grid pattern
PATTRY. It’s a really great boat to get kids sailing ….
HUMBERT Jennifer Pattry is the community outreach manager of today’s event
PATTRY 2. They can move around on them, they can understand … without feeling like it”s getting too challenging for them so they can develop their skills.
HUMBERT. The kids are walking on the floating bridge and getting ready to sail. And…it’s not the best weather to sail:
DAVILA 1. It’s pretty dark and rainy and there is not a lot of wind but…. LAUGH
HUMBERT Marya Davila is 15 and she has been sailing for about a year on the Hudson River and she is a bit disappointed:
DAVILA 2. it’s gonna be a pretty short session less that 10 minutes which is kind of sad!
HUMBERT. About 20 minutes later, they’re back … and not even on the sailing boats but on big motor boats!
Where are the boats??!
Meanwhile, America definitely got its sailing young talents. Adèle Humbert, Columbia Radio News
DAVILA. It was AMAZING! It was so cool! I just want to sail my whole life
HUMBERT One of the six competitions for The America’s Cup is happening this week-end in New York. Meanwhile, America definitely got its sailing young talents. Adèle Humbert, Columbia Radio News
7 small boats. Hoby cats. NY taxi colors. Yellow.
HUMBERT 1. So I’m walking on the waterfront, it’s pouring, it’s foggy, I can see some young people they are wearing blue jackets. I think they are getting ready, let’s have a look.
INSTRUCTORS: another important note guys…. If you …. Press it if it’s too loose.
HUMBERT 2. The instructors are briefing the young sailors under the rain. This morning students from Harbour School came to sail. The event is organized by the America’s Cup Endeavour
LS101707. Marya DAVILA, 15. I’m on the sailing team here in NYC. I do sail on the Carrbiean too. I live in NYC. High school NY …? Have been sailing for about a year on the Hudson river.
LS101708. Marya DAVILA Not the best weather to sail. We’re gonna stay in the basin. Short trip. School trip.
LIAM MORCROFT, 16: I’ve been sailing since I was a kid. I’d like to but it’s seems to be very hard thing. It’s never really been here before. A lot of people are excited.
4 teams in the water. Two kids and 1 instructor for each boat. Wooden bridge wet and wavy. Blue suits. Kids look very calm. Short session because of the bad weather.
LS101711. Nicolas LIEBEL I’m a hobbie racer. I sail all over the world I
LS101713. Will WOOLF I’ve been sailing since my dad got me into it. I’ve only joined the sailing team with my school for the past year. I was just handling one of the I learned that from my class. I’m not a sailor We’re all go to the HARBOUR SCHOOL Blue suits. My dad a small fish Role model? I guess I should say Germany but I assume I’m for the US right now
LS101717. Type of food we need to go to. I have been sailing all week.
JESSICA working with schools. Sustainable lunch. PLASTIC COOKIES. So a sustainable lunch would be a lunch that produces no waste. So at the end of your lunch you should walk to the waste basket and have nothing. If you do have anything left you should
IF ZERO POINT: Jasmine: zero point. Zero trash left over that’s why I got a prize. I had a diet pepsi a jhome made sandwiche, and an apple. M&Ms and plastic bag.
LS101719. Katrina is doing a demo for the kids to put the suits on. LIKE TEN KIDS UNDER THE TINY TENT. SUITS VERY TOO BIG BUT RUSHING HOUR. Is it comfortable? Omg it’s cold! You need to take your shoes off! Very fast, shoes off.
LS101720 Jasmine girl with blue braces. Blue suit. I have this to protect me, it’s like a ski suit I put on my hoodie Helping her friend to remove her suit “Ashley you have a big head!”
LS101721. Katrina WILLIAMS works with the AC Endeavour program in Bermuda. Today is the youth day in New York. 200 kids coming down at the Event Village. We’re gonna go sailing, practicing skills. Sailing is not the cheapest sport Lives in Bermuda.
LS101722 Jennifer PATTRY (?) community outreach manager with the America’s Cup event authority. America’s Cup Endavour Youth Day, to create opportunities for students through STEM education sciences tech Engineering and Math through sailing so we use the tech behind the America’S cup to make sailing education for kids. We have a program in Bermuda and we will be in Chicago.
Hobie Cat catamarans. Very great boats for kids. Great training sail boat cause you can have multiple kids on the same boat. Easy boat for them to learn without feeling …