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Uptown Radio

Art Exhibition Marks Five Years to Japan Earthquake and Tsunami

TRANSCRIPT Bernard 1: The name of the exhibition is “In the Wake” Japanese Photographers Respond to 3/11. David Little is the first person to show up today. Bernard 2: Little says the episodes on 3/11 and the tsunami is something that is not well known or profound to American audiences Little 1: The effects, particularly the after effects of it are as significant there as 9/11 is to us here. Bernard 3: He was particularly affected by one of the images. A photograph by Nayo Hatakayama. Little 2: The slides are are showing two sides of life in his home town where his grandmother lived and his grandmother unfortunately died in the tsunami. Bernard 4: Michael Chagnon is the curator of exhibition and interpretation at Japan Society. He says that images like this one are what make the exhibit so important. Chagnon 1: And we simply cannot forget that is event occurred, the devastation remains. There’s still a human and ecological tragedy that is ongoing. Bernard 5: One of the installations at the gallery came out of a grassroots effort to salvage personal pictures found in the debris of the tsunami. A team gathered seven hundred and fifty thousand photographs, personal pictures found amid the debris. So far they’ve been able to return twenty thousand of them to their owners. Bernard 6: Chagnon hopes that those who visit will… Chagnon 3:…reconnect with that moment to not forget that moment that occurred five years ago and to acknowledge the ongoing crisis after 3/11. Bernard 8: The exhibit commemorating the fifth anniversary of the earthquake and tsunami is open until tomorrow March 12. Jephie Bernard, Columbia Radio News.


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