From Columbia Radio News in New York, I’m Ariel Ritchin. Here are this afternoon’s headlines:
Oregon’s Democratic Governor John Kitzhaber has announced his resignation. This amid accusations his fiancee Cylvia Hayes used their relationship to enrich herself. In recent months, the Governor has been plagued by allegations of corruption and ethics violations. Kitzhaber said his resignation would be effective Wednesday.
As the US grapples with heightened levels of cyber attacks on major companies, President Obama is hosting an unprecedented summit at Stanford University on cyber security. More than a thousand people are reportedly in attendance in Palo Alto, California, including consumer advocates, law enforcement and representatives from Silicon Valley’s largest tech companies: RITCHIN_OBAMA_NC2 IN: “There’s only one way to defend America from these cyber threats. And that is through government and industry working together. Sharing appropri ate OUT: information as true partners.” LENGTH: (0:13) Obama is expected to sign an executive order urging companies that come under attack to share information about cyber threats with both other companies and the government
Argentina’s President Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner faces formal charges by a federal prosecutor alleging the president was involved in a cover up of a 1994 terrorist attack on a Buenos Aires Jewish community center. Last month another prosecutor, Alberto Nisman, was found dead in his apartment under mysterious circumstances. He had claimed Argentina’s president had attempted to cover up Iran’s alleged involvement in the bombing. Now, it’s up to a judge to decide whether to pursue the case.
Fighting surged in eastern Ukraine and at least 25 people were killed, as Russian-backed separatists mounted a major offensive. This came a day after the leaders of Russia, Ukraine, France and Germany negotiated a new cease-fire agreement, the second in the nearly year-old war. A State Department spokeswoman said Russian units were also preparing to aid pro-Russian separatists. RITCHIN_UKRAINE_NC2 IN: “All parties must show complete restraint OUT: what happens over the course of the coming days.” LENGTH: (0:18) German chancellor Angela Merkl said today the conflict will not be solved by military means.
Pennsylvania Governor Tom Wolf declared a moratorium on the death penalty in his state calling the current system of capital punishment “error-prone, expensive and anything but infallible.” Wolf said the moratorium will remain in effect until he receives a report from a task force that has been studying the topic for about four years. Until concerns raised by the report are addressed, Wolf said he would issue temporary receives for the 186 Pennsylvania inmates currently on death row.
Small businesses in Cuba will be allowed to sell goods to the United States after administration officials loosened restrictions on a decades-long embargo. According to a list published by the U.S. State Department, Americans will be allowed to import anything produced by Cuban entrepreneurs with the exception of food and agricultural products, alcohol, minerals, chemicals, textiles, machinery, vehicles, arms and ammunition. So get in line for those Cuban cigars.
Ariel Ritchin, Columbia Radio News